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Ballet dancers
Ballet dancers

Ballet is a very stylised form of dance, usually designed to tell a story. The word comes from the Latin ballare (to dance).

Some people have a fetish for ballerinas (female ballet dancers), partly because they traditionally wear skirts that are short and stick out (tutus), allowing views of their legs right to the top and of their panties. It was customary in 19th century Paris for operas to incorporate a ballet so men could admire the dancers and possibly arrange a date with one afterwards.

Ballerinas often dance en pointe - balanced on tiptoe with their feet vertical. Boots designed to force their wearer's feet into that position by the use of very high heels are called ballet boots, but such boots are never worn during ballet; on the contrary, dancers wear soft shoes with very low heels.

Male ballet dancers usually wear tights, showing a male bulge. Many prominent male dancers are or were gay, but it is an incorrect stereotype to claim that a very high proportion are.

In 20th century ballets, there is a wider range of costumes but they are usually close-fitting and made of lycra, such as catsuits.

Because ballet training is very classical in nature and teaches a great deal about balance and poise, it is not only taken by those wanting to be ballet dancers. Many top performers in martial arts have some ballet training. The exactitude and requirement for balance and fluid movement also help in other forms of dance and many popular dancers and actors of both genders have at least a basic ballet training. It can also be good to help teach a slave poise and gracious movement, making them more pleasing to their owner's eye.

See also

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